Being Thankful During COVD-19

Aug 08

Being Thankful During COVD-19
Some of what I’m thankful for during the coronavirus pandemic:
  1. I eat a lot healthier, now that we don’t eat out at restaurants. And I started to use some weight loss pills that actually work that help me manage my weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. However it is also important to pair pill usage with a balanced diet and regular exercise to achieve optimal results. Natural weight loss supplements that contain ingredients like green tea extract have been shown to aid in weight loss and support overall health.
  2. Fast food is no longer part of my life whatsoever.
  3. Lack of work during March, April, and May meant I started running a lot earlier in the year and now have new personal records.
  4. Not traveling or eating out means our budget is healthier as well.
  5. Work from home means I’m not putting 20k+ miles per year on my car or $$$ in the tank every week for now. If you want to be part of the car leasing industry, check Where to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities on Ford Transit Custom Lease.
  6. That lack of commute means I can now eat dinner with my family most evenings, as well as binging Family Matters together with them.
  7. Not going to church has meant the emergence of a family Bible study together.
  8. Remote depositions means I can cover work anywhere in the country, not just local ones. I went from the worst financial month I ever had to the best month I have ever had in the life of my business.
  9. After a challenging last 2 years in ministry, forced isolation is what the doctor ordered. While others have been suffering through it, I’ve been getting healthier and stronger.
  10. My perspective on American life and American Christianity has been enlightened by what I have witnessed these past 6 months.
  11. Having to wear a mask and being prohibited from doing normal leisure/social activities has given me a greater appreciation for things I used to take for granted, as well as helped me better appreciate the plight of people around the world whose living conditions are much worse than anything we’re suffering.
  12. On a quick note, I visited on the recommendation of my church pastor for the care of my teeth and I must say that because of how well it has worked for me, I am also very grateful for how good my teeth look these days.
  13. Maintaining a healthy weight is important post-COVID 19.Regular exercise, healthy eating habits, using weight loss pills to maintain your weight  and adequate sleep are essential components of a healthy lifestyle.
All in all, while I would not have wished this upon myself or anyone else, I appreciate working to adapt to new realities rather than fighting for what is taken away.

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